This isn’t necessarily a review but a preview of the latest reality show that could be hitting your TV in the near future.
Synopsis: A group of women with traumatic pasts and hardships try to build a better life, drama-free.
The show’s casting call was interesting and telling (I paraphrase):
Are you at least 25 years old and have had your share of adversity, but you’re looking to wipe your past clean and leave it all behind? Life can often be a challenge with family drama, issues in your love life, struggles with career changes, healing from severe medical complications, and perhaps overcoming a life-threatening illness.
If you can relate, know that Doron Ofir Casting and VH1 have been casting for their new reality show End the Drama since the beginning of August. I’m not sure if their search is over, but when I checked on their website nothing was posted yet regarding the show. Needless to say, finding the perfect story, best personality and right look for, yes, even a reality show definitely takes time. They were seeking women who struggle with major hardships and are looking to turn the page for a “fresh start” in life.
The show will of course be scheduling fun as a part of its agenda, hoping that misery is wiped clean and that the women can focus on a bright new future. I personally think it’s a heroic concept and hope that it turns out like Intervention only much more positive and a lot less depressing. Intervention
is yet another heroic show that I’ve written about, as I met the show’s creator, Sam Mettler, who spoke to my class in grad school. But, even Mettler confided to the group at Newhouse that the show was on the rather gloomy side, and even crew members were offered therapy. Heavy stuff.
Putting on my producer hat for a second, those who have watched Undercover Boss recall one of the episodes centered on persuading workers that cameras were on hand to shoot a documentary on a subject’s “Fresh Start” or “New Beginning,” a concept very similar to a show about people who are essentially getting new leases on life. Although it was the Undercover Boss’ “cover” and nothing more than a lie, I remember at the time thinking to myself that the premise would actually translate into an excellent show. I knew it wouldn’t take long for some producer to convince a network to green light a similar concept. If VH1’s new series End the Drama is as hopeful and as positive as explained via the casting call, then I’ll definitely be tuning in.